Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Post No.50

Hi all. Time flies and post also fly. This is now my 50th post in my blog. Wow first time I'm surviving a blog up to 50 posts. Haha. Llet's begin with life in school again. School is still as normal as I always say. Boredness. l0l. My class teachers no one can crack jokes to make us stay awake except for physics. Best subject. Haha. So I have to learn mostly form tuitions. Nowadays prefect life I got no names to book(Write down) No offenders for me to write geh. Aih Aih.

Self-improvement. Physically and Mentally

Well. As written on the title. I am now in a period of self improvement in physically and mentally. Physically as in my looks and my appearance. I want to have a better appearance in facing people. Haha. Mentally as in my studies and my band life. I want to be more hardworking towards my studies and having more time for my bandsmen.

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