Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Must Watch For All

This is a great video of a father's love for his son. Everyone please spend some time buffering this video and watch it. It's really worth watching. It touched me the first time I watch this video yesterday when I was in PCC listening to Tony Anthony. Then I thought I have to share this to everyone. Please allocate some of your time to watch this video everyone.

One day the son asked his father " Dad, will you run a marathon with me?" Despite his age and his heart disease, his father said "Yes". Then they ran the marathon together. The son then asked his father " Dad will you run another marathon with me?" Again his father said, "Yes". Again, they did it together. One day the son asked, "Dad, will you do the Ironman with me?" His father said "Yes"

Just to let you know, Ironman is the toughest Triathlon in the world now.
4km of swimming, 140km by bike and lastly 42km of running, in a stroke.

Watch the video, then you'll know what's so special bout doing the marathons and the Ironman.

Greatest Dad of the Century.

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