Hello again my bloggy, how have you been these days? Have you been good to the readers?
Good boy...
October already. October 1st today, 2nd tomorrow and the 3rd next. Nothing much actually. Haha. My prom night duties are over. Prom night will be tomorrow night but I won't be going. Haha. No one from my class is going. The most people attending are the business people. My maths lecturer today asked why is everyone not going for prom night. We replied,
"All tables were fully booked on the first day itself" Haha. Then my lecturer said.
"You don't have to go to prom night. Prom night is boring. The "After prom night" activities are more fun". Haha, you've got it right there Mr. Teo.
Assignments are out again. *Sigh* just passed up assignment 1, no time to rest the 2nd one is here again. Luckily test 2 is not so soon yet, but right after test 2, there comes final exam. Hoho. Short sem no break one. ZZzzz... This time we gotta build an amplifier.. =.=
I don't like my EEE lecturer. In fact the whole class doesn't like him and the way he teach. It's so simple and so "unexplained". It's like he just concentrates on those "Repeater" students. Wahlao, it's like INTI wants us to fail as well so that they get to earn more. Zzz. But good thing I've found myself a solution. Keke. Download lecture videos from youtube. not by INTI but by other Universities. Very helpful. After watching few of them, I understand more because they explain very thoroughly. Here, we finish one chapter in one week inlusive of the breaks in between, the tutorials and the jokes. In those videos, 1 hour of full lessons and explanations with examples. Really a good help.
My bro will be departing for Italy later at 1am. *sigh* won't be meeting him till after christmas. No family trip this year end. Gonna miss my bro. Every year end our family of 4 always gather back together from studies and work but this year
tak ada lo. Nasib baik, still got
her =P I miss everyone, my family and her too...